About us
About us
Prospect Burma addresses the skills gap in Myanmar (Burma) to tackle the country’s worsening humanitarian crisis. Many people are trapped in poverty, or fleeing armed conflict or natural disaster.
We work with local partners to provide access to critical thinking skills and formal education from post-high school level upwards. We offer scholarships to quality higher education abroad which isn’t available in Myanmar. We help alumni combine the skills and knowledge they have gained, to maximise the positive difference they can make for their country.
Our Vision: Myanmar transformed through the expertise of its people.
Our Mission: To offer hope – and practical, targeted support – to equip individuals and organisations with expertise to match their energy and dedication to build an alternative, peaceful future.
Our Values. We are:
Inclusive: We believe all people should be treated with equal respect regardless of who they are - including their ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, or mental or physical ability.
Committed: We have worked to build a better future for the people of Myanmar since 1989, through multiple manmade and natural disasters, and our commitment remains as strong as ever as new challenges emerge.
We have Integrity: We take pride in delivering our service with honesty and accountability.
We are registered with, and regulated by, the Charity Commission of England & Wales as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, CIO No: 1167686. We are governed by UK and English law. Our registered charitable objectives are to:
(A) Promote and enable the education and/or training of any type of people in or from Burma in any way that the charity trustees think fit, including but not limited to awarding to such persons scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants tenable at any school, university, college or institution of higher or further education or training; and (B) In furtherance of enabling such education or training, make such grants or provide such other support to such educational institutions as the charity trustees may think fit; and (C) In order to encourage returning scholars to impact their communities positively upon return to Myanmar, support and provide grants to alumni led training, networking, community interventions and related activities.
American Friends of Prospect Burma is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in the State of Illinois, which fundraises in the United States to support Prospect Burma’s work.
Our work is overseen by a board of trustees, and led by an Executive Director who manages a small team of staff based in the UK and South East Asia. Meet our trustees and staff.
We operate within a rigorous internal policy framework in order to maintain our standards and values, and to comply with regulations. We publish our public-facing policies on this website, along with procedures for anyone to whistleblow or complain about an aspect of our work, and guidance for talking about Prospect Burma in social media. We also publish an annual report and impact report which describe our undertakings in the preceding financial year. You can view all these documents at our policy documents and annual report page.